Thanks for the question.
I should stress, first of all, that it's an interim management plan. So the idea was to work with stakeholders to give them a sense of how this area would be managed initially. For national parks, we don't do that. We establish them, and then we develop a management plan.
Here we started an interim management plan to demonstrate to communities how we would initially operate it. It didn't get into that level of detail. However, one thing to stress is that in the recently signed Canada-Haida marine agreement and in the interim management plan, we do talk about one of the benefits to Canadians and the world of this area being a benchmark against which to measure the impacts of climate change and other things. The notion of climate change is definitely mentioned in the plan. So we would invest--and we already have invested--in studies that would look at various things, and this would be one of the elements that we clearly would have to take a look at.