Thank you, Mr. Chair. I will try to be succinct, and I know you will hold me to that.
I'm delighted to be here. It's a great privilege to have tabled this bill. It is a bill that many individuals and organizations across the country have been working on for decades, and that includes me.
I'm looking forward to hearing from all the witnesses that all of the parties have put forward. I think we're going to have a really good dialogue on the bill and I'm looking forward to it. We have two particularly outstanding witnesses following me, and I'm delighted that they're been available to testify.
Briefly, the purpose of the bill is to implement the right to a clean, healthy environment, an ecologically balanced environment for all Canadians, and it imposes the duty on the government to uphold those rights. Interestingly, this is a bill that we should have no problem whatsoever to find unanimous consent for, because all four parties that have been elected to our federal House have espoused support for these principles.
I could give one example. The 2008 Conservative Party of Canada policy declaration commits to a “belief that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next”. That, of course, is one of the principles that this bill is founded upon.
The whole purpose of this bill is to provide a legislative measure to implement the accountability measures that all four parties of the House have espoused and have said they support. The purpose of this bill is to give them the mechanism so that we can implement those principles.
Nowhere is that principle more important than in environmental protection. We have signed treaty after treaty and international agreement after international agreement committing to public participation and transparency in environmental decision-making. What this bill does is provide the legal framework to implement those commitments and duties.
This bill is grounded in a number of international principles that the Government of Canada has endorsed. One of those is the precautionary principle. A second is the principle of environmental justice, and that includes both the substantive and procedural rights that are included under the justice principles. It also endorses the polluter pays principle. Finally, the bill is based on the premise that it is the responsibility of the government to preserve and protect the environment in the collective interest of current and future generations of Canadians.
As has been pointed out several times--and I know we're going to have witnesses today speaking to this matter--more than 130 nations, as far as I've been recently updated, have enshrined the right to a clean, healthy, ecologically balanced environment either in their constitutions or in their national laws. For example, a number of nations that we are in the process of signing trade agreements with--or that we have signed with--have incorporated those rights. They include: Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Kuwait, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Switzerland, and South Africa. The list goes on and on. Thus far, unfortunately, Canada is one of the countries that hasn't done that, even though it has happened at the provincial level.
A number of Canadian provincial and territorial governments have already taken action, and quite some time ago; I think it was as far back as 1988 that the Northwest Territories was the first off the plate. It enacted the right to a clean, healthy environment and imposed the duty on its government to uphold those rights, and included the bundle of rights that are included in this bill that I've tabled. Ontario followed suit with a separate environmental bill of rights. The Government of the Yukon has included that bundle of rights within its environmental statute, and Quebec has also enshrined those rights.
Past federal governments have enshrined some of the rights that are included in Bill C-469. For example, there is the right to seek an investigation of an environmental offence and, in some cases, to initiate legal proceedings, but for the most part that is only in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Despite some measures taken by the current federal government to provide consistency across environmental statutes--for example, through its enforcement bill tabled last year--it has not provided consistency in this arena and has not incorporated the same kinds of rights and opportunities in CEPA.
In the federal government, there is no comprehensive stand-alone law yet to incorporate these very principles that all four parties have espoused, despite the fact that there has been broad support by Canadians across the country.
What are the key purposes? As I've mentioned, the environmental bill of rights grants every resident of Canada the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and, most importantly, imposes the obligation on the Government of Canada, within its jurisdiction, to protect those rights. The bill would also amend section 1 of the Canadian Bill of Rights to include the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.
What new rights and duties, specifically, are created through this bill?
First is the protection of the public trust. Under existing law, some federal ministers are obligated to do a number of specific actions to protect the environment. For example, under CEPA, the federal Minister of Health has a mandatory duty to look into information about any health impacts associated with toxins that comes to her attention.
Generally speaking, these kinds of rights and duties are not imposed in other federal laws. For the purpose of consistency, because we always talk in our House about the need to be consistent and to respect provincial jurisdiction, it only makes sense that we follow consistently and prescribe these same duties in our federal law: the right to protect the public trust and the obligation of the government to protect that trust.
Second, Bill C-469 would ensure access to environmental information. We do, of course, have the Access to Information Act, but we've been having some problems with that act. Bill C-469 would compel the government to provide effective access to information in a reasonable, timely, and affordable manner.
All three of those categories are very important. Across the decades, Canadians have had problems in all three categories when accessing federal documents. We brought to your attention, as noted in my brief to the committee, the fact that just last year the Information Commissioner gave Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada a grade of F on making environmental information available to the public. So clearly we need a strong regulatory measure to make sure the federal government responds in a timely fashion to these requests.
Third, the bill would provide a right to participate in environmental decision-making. That includes the right to participate in decision-making by the Government of Canada and also the right to appear before the courts. It would remove that extra barrier and cost for concerned members of the public, who actually have to go to court and prove standing before they bring this substantive matter before the courts. It would provide them the opportunity both to participate in environmental decision-making and to raise a serious matter before the courts, despite the fact that they lack a private or special interest in the matter. In other words, the whole point is to provide an opportunity for the public to step forward and represent the public interest.
By enacting this right and duty, Canada's commitments and obligations under numerous international laws and agreements would be enshrined in domestic law. By way of example, Canada has committed to extensive participation rights and access to information under the Rio Conventions, Agenda 21, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, and, more recently, the U.S.–Canada Clean Energy Dialogue. Consistent with this participatory right, the bill entitles any Canadian resident to apply to the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development for a review of law, policy, regulation, or statutory instrument.
Fourth, the bill provides for the right to compel the investigation of an environmental offence. Again, as I mentioned, this right and opportunity already exists under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, as it exists under most provincial law. This bill will accord that right to all environmental statutes, whether they deal with toxins, fisheries, wildlife, migratory birds, climate change, or environmental assessment.
Fifth, the act extends the opportunity to the public for basic access to legal remedies. There are three categories of environmental remedy. One is an environmental protection action. Another is access to seek judicial review of a federal law. The third is civil action. I won't go into the details. I could answer questions about them during questions.
Sixth, the act would provide whistle-blower protection. Essentially, that means that federal employees who are scientists or technicians, or who have scientific or environmental information and who step forward to participate in decision-making, initiate an investigation, provide information, give evidence, or in good faith refuse to act, would be protected under this statute.
Finally, there is the examination of bills and regulations. Similar to the laws enacted by the provinces and territories, this bill would mandate the Auditor General, through the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, to examine all proposed bills and regulations to ensure consistency with the purposes and intent of the Environmental Bill of Rights.
In closing, I wish to express my deep appreciation to all the people who helped me in drafting this bill. That help came from ordinary citizens. It came from communities across Canada. It came from legal experts. I am indebted to them for the extensive work they've done in this field, and we're going to hear from some of them as witnesses.
I believe that Canadians are deserving of a legal right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and the opportunities to pursue those laudable goals, and I think the government should be accountable for delivering those rights and opportunities. I'm open to questions.