I can't say that it's for the Canadian Hydropower Association that I have done a global review of different jurisdictions in the in-depth manner you're asking for. So I'd have to say that I can't give you the examples you're looking for off the top. Ian may have some ideas from the global operations of Brookfield Power. Of course many of our operators, as you know, are provincially based, so they are not really able to draw on international expertise in hydropower development around the world. In general, Hydro-Québec generates and produces projects in Quebec, Manitoba Hydro produces projects in Manitoba, etc.
But our reading is that there is a potential for this to occur. So I think it is a legitimate concern. This is a proposed law, a bill that's speculating on outcomes by definition. It's a proposed piece of work. We of course are then brought in to speculate a little ourselves. We're not usually in the business of speculating. But this is a proposed piece of legislation, and we're trying to provide some possible outcomes that we see as worrisome to us. So I think that's where the comments come from largely, at a general level.
To the second question, of where we would like to see improvement and where we think improvement can be achieved in terms of environmental legislation overall, I would say that being involved with this committee in the past on the Species at Risk Act review and the seven-year review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, these are all things that our industry is actually quite encouraged by. We appreciate that a lot of what I would call the “newer” pieces of environmental legislation that have come to the fore—again the Species at Risk Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act—have built-in processes for review that acknowledge that this is a whole new area and that we all need to get together every so often, every five or seven years, to check on the intended and unintended consequences of the legislation.
So I think focusing our efforts there, as we have in the past, is quite productive and helpful in that respect. We believe that we have achieved some changes, some practical changes at the enforcement level, and we've also had a great opportunity to present our concerns at the legislative level to this committee as well in the past. So I would say that's where there's great opportunity for great improvement.