It's a pleasure, Mr. Chairman, to be here. In fact, I'm really pleased to appear before this committee, because the Canadian environmental bill of rights reflects many of the experiences we're had in Ontario with our Environmental Bill of Rights.
As the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, appointed by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, I'm responsible for monitoring and publicly reporting on the government's compliance with Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights, or, as we call it, the EBR. As Environmental Commissioner for over 10 years, I would like to share some general comments based on my own experiences with Ontario's EBR for your consideration on the purposes of the CEBR, just by way of general comments.
I believe the proposed CEBR has the potential to become an important and positive piece of legislation. Since coming into force in 1994, Ontario’s EBR has helped to increase accountability, transparency, and public participation in environmental decision-making and ultimately improve environmental protection in the province. In my view, Bill C- 469 has the potential to provide many of the very same benefits--i.e., improved accountability, transparency, public participation, and environmental protection--on a federal level.
In regard to examination of bills and regulations by the commissioner, the proposed CEBR would require the Auditor General, through the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, to examine all proposed bills and regulations to ensure consistency with the purposes of the CEBR. Although similar provisions in Ontario’s EBR require me to review and comment on compliance of government decisions with the provisions of Ontario’s EBR, the ECO--my office--has provided an important independent and impartial voice in the public discourse on environmental issues, helping to pave the path for improved future environmental decision-making.
On the point of access to information and public participation in environmental decision-making, the proposed CEBR would require the federal government to provide information to the public on environmentally significant decisions as well as provide a right for the public to participate in environmental decision-making. In Ontario, the high level of public engagement in environmental decision-making under the Ontario EBR has been one of the greatest successes of the statute. Through the use of a dedicated web-based environmental registry, each year provincial ministries now post thousands of public notices relating to proposed and final environmental decisions, including convenient links to background documents. Through this same registry the public can provide informed comment, which is considered by the ministries in their final decision-making.
By posting proposals for new environmentally significant acts, regulations, and instruments on the environmental registry for public notice and comment, the government has increased transparency and accountability in its decision-making, which has resulted in improved environmental decision-making, and in many cases, greater public buy-in to government decisions.
While the proposed language of Bill C-469 includes the key components of public engagement--i.e., access to information and the opportunity for effective public participation--I strongly encourage the use of a single dedicated registry, such as is used in Ontario, to maximize public access to government proposals and decisions, as well as mandatory minimum standards for consultation.
On the point of the right to request a review of a federal policy, regulation, or law, the proposed CEBR would provide a right for a member of the public to request a review of a federal policy, regulation, or law. Ontario’s EBR includes a similar right, but requires that two applicants request a review. I believe that requiring the collaboration of two applicants encourages thoughtful, well-documented applications.
In Ontario approximately 10 to 25 applications for review are submitted each year. These applications contribute insights and new perspectives that might not be raised by the usual mix of civil servants and stakeholders talking around the table. Of the requests submitted, about 13% lead to some direct action, such as a review of and/or improvements to the law, or regulation, or policy. Moreover, in many cases where a review is not formally undertaken the application nevertheless helps push the agenda forward, throw light on the issue, or trigger some other indirect action.
On the point of the right to request an investigation, the proposed CEBR would provide the right for a member of the public to request a government investigation of a suspected violation of a federal environmental law. Again, Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights includes a similar right allowing any two applicants to request an investigation. In Ontario approximately 10 to 20 such applications for investigation are submitted each year. Of these, about 36% of the requests have led to investigations with some sort of enforcement action arising out of them. In many other cases, even where the government has denied the application for investigation, the ECO has found that the application has resulted in some other indirect action.
I believe this right provides a particularly valuable tool. With limited government staff and financial resources to regularly inspect all regulated facilities, this tool empowers the public to play a role in helping to identify potential environmental violations. Without this right, a number of violations identified in Ontario may not have been uncovered.
On the point of legal actions, the proposed CEBR would provide the public with access to additional legal recourses. First, the CEBR would ensure that concerned residents are not denied standing before the courts in environmental actions solely because they do not have a private or special interest in the matter. Second, the CEBR would allow the public to seek judicial review of a government action or inaction that has resulted or is likely to result in significant environmental harm. Third, the proposed CEBR would provide a right to commence a civil action against a person who has contravened a federal act or regulation that is likely to result in significant environmental harm.
Ontario’s EBR provides the public with a different but comparable set of legal rights. We have appeal rights. Where an appeal right already exists for an instrument-holder, for some company that has a permit or licence, for example, the Ontario EBR provides a right to third parties to request permission from the relevant tribunal, usually the environmental review tribunal, to appeal a ministry decision on certain environmental instruments, such as licences and permits. Permission to appeal will be granted only if the applicants are able to successfully demonstrate that they have an interest in the decision in question, that no reasonable person could have made the decision, and that the decision could result in significant harm to the environment.
On the matter of public nuisance claims, the Ontario EBR provides members of the public with a right to sue for damages for direct economic or personal loss that has resulted from a public nuisance that has harmed the environment, without the approval of the Attorney General. Prior to this act being passed, claims for public nuisance in Ontario had to be brought by, or with the leave of, the Attorney General.
On the matter of “harm to a public resource” claims, the Ontario EBR gives members of the public the right to sue any person who is breaking, or is about to break, any environmental law, regulation, or instrument that has caused, or will cause, harm to a public resource.
In Ontario, these legal actions have been used very sparingly. While public participation mechanisms through other mechanisms--i.e., commenting on government proposals and submitting applications for review and investigation--have been used extensively, use of these legal actions has been minimal. In the 16 years since the Ontario EBR was enacted in 1994, Ontario has seen only one claim for public nuisance—and in that case, public nuisance was just one of many causes of action relied upon—and only one court action under “harm to a public resource”. In addition, about five to ten “leave to appeal” applications are filed each year. Clearly, the legal actions have been reserved as a last resort, which was the intent of the drafters of our legislation.
On the matter of legal costs, the proposed CEBR would allow a court to order a plaintiff of a judicial review to pay costs only if the action is frivolous, vexatious, or harassing. The proposed CEBR would also authorize the court to award a plaintiff counsel fees and/or an advance cost award in certain circumstances. I strongly support these provisions. I have identified the chilling effect of potential cost awards as a serious barrier to public interest legislation, and I have intervened in two separate court proceedings to speak to this issue. The proposed provisions in the CEBR should help address this barrier to meritorious environmental legal cases.
In closing, I would like to reiterate my opinion that the proposed CEBR would be an important and positive piece of legislation that would enhance government accountability, transparency, and public participation in environmental decision-making. In these ways, the CEBR would encourage better environmental decisions and in turn ensure a better-protected environment for future generations.
Thank you.