My question is still for Mr. Miller. It has to do with clause 23 of the bill regarding civil actions. You quite rightly point out, in item 6 of your brief that “the proposed CEBR would provide the public with access to additional legal recourses.” A little further on, you say that “Ontario's EBR provides the public with a different, but comparable set of legal rights”. You draw a parallel between civil actions in Ontario and federal actions.
The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute provided a legal opinion that I would like to quote from on page 6:
Unlike similar provisions in the CEPA and the 1993 Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, it is not necessary to request an investigation before bringing a civil action to protect the environment under Bill C-469.
So, you say they are comparable, but people in the industry are saying there are not. So, how can you claim that Ontario's EBR provides a different but comparable set of legal rights?