No, it's all right. I can understand your not having it.
My second question concerns the Sustainable Development Advisory Council. According to the act, the council is comprised of representatives of each province. On looking at the list of members that you sent us, I see that one of the Quebec representatives is Mr. Gilles Godard of the Quebec Used Oil Management Association. The second representative, Mr. Robert Dubé, appears to be the president of an environmental personnel recruitment firm. I'm not sure who exactly he is representing. I have nothing against the individuals who were selected, but I want to know if you consulted with the provinces prior to making the appointments? I don't think that the director general of a used oil management association or the president of a personnel recruitment firm faithfully represent Quebec's interests on the council. My question is as follows: Were the representatives supposed to be Quebec government officials, or officials of companies that have their head offices in Quebec and an address in Quebec and who will speak for Quebec on the advisory council? I'm not sure if you understand my question.