I see.
We've been trying to focus the government on water quality issues related to the oil sands for quite a while now, and under duress, the government finally named a panel to look at this, but I don't know when it will report publicly. The response we've had from the government for the last two or three years is, “Look, it's not our problem. We have an agreement with the province. We've devolved this to the province, and it so happens that the province has devolved it to private sector laboratories and to industry.” And so on and so forth.
So is this really an important issue that there's only one federal water quality monitoring station in the Athabasca, and its mission isn't to measure pollution from the oil sands, one of the biggest industries in the world, it's to measure pollution from the pulp and paper industry, which has cleaned up its act since regulations were adopted about 15 years ago? Is this issue a true federal issue, or is it just a red herring?