Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Yes, indeed, this provision, clause 25, coupled with clause 24, is consistent with other measures in law, specifically consistent with some provisions under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, consistent under CEPA, and very specifically consistent with the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights. It in no way contradicts those provisions. What it does instead is in fact provide legal certainty and clarity in the case of environmental protection officers on the specific actions they are charged to undertake under those particular statutes.
The whole purpose of this bill is it is intended as an omnibus kind of bill to extend those kinds of rights and protections to all government employees who are delivering the responsibilities under all federal environmental statutes, not only CEPA.
I do want to bring to the chair's attention that I intend to table an amendment. In fact, other members will be pleased to know that the amendment I do wish to table would, in subclause 25(1), strike out line 6 and add in “or the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner”.
Now that, of course, is a new agency. I'm advised that in fact the Canadian Industrial Relations Board is a relevant board in certain circumstances, and the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act—