Thank you.
I found this very interesting. I think each of us has.
I have more questions than I have time, so I'll try to be precise. I want to focus on two things. One is the time restraints and what are realistic times; it's very prescriptive to the minister. Also, what would be fair in compensation?
Before I get into that, I just want to make a quick comment on the importance of adequate notice to the public. I love to hike. With new technologies like GPS, if you're out hiking... Let's say you get out into an area and you use GPS, what if you had some sort of GPS warning that you were in a critical habitat area instead of having maps? A hiker might be using a five-year-old map that was handed to them from a friend or whoever. If hikers are using GPS, which is a very common tool when they're out, you could have a warning on there that would give you a little notice. Use of markers at the head of a trail may have very limited success, because you might be getting onto that trail by parking your car somewhere, and if you know a shortcut, you could miss all the markers.
I think that one of the big controversies at the beginning of SARA was fair market compensation for land. Mr. Trudeau touched on it. What if a good corporate citizen is going to restock a stream with a species that is at risk? If they restock the stream and that fish gets caught in a turbine, if there are no socio-economic considerations in critical habitat, you could have a multi-billion-dollar facility shut down permanently.
Under SARA, the only place right now that you have socio-economic considerations is where it's in the hands of the minister. That's my understanding. You do not have, through COSEWIC, the critical habitat.
I'm running out of time very quickly, but you mentioned extraordinary loss. What is the definition of “extraordinary” loss? Is it fair market compensation? I don't think so, because I think that was what was asked for at the beginning of SARA. SARA did get through and now it's under review, but could you give me the definition of “extraordinary” loss?
If a hydroelectric plant is going to have to be shut down because of an endangered species in that stream and it is in critical habitat, who is going to pay for the shutting down of that plant? Would that be extraordinary loss? What about a farmer who didn't realize, in plowing his field, that he had destroyed the habitat of a migratory bird? Is he now in big trouble? He didn't know the bird was there, but under SARA, under mens rea, he is still in big trouble.
In the very short period of time I've left you, I think those are two very big considerations that were concerns at the beginning of SARA, too.