I understand that. Top researchers would be called in, COSEWIC's and others, to say that we have a species at risk here, or extirpated, or whatever the word might be.
I'm asking: do we know, do we have any information, and is SARA is compelling Canadians to get prepared for the inevitability of temperature increases because of the climate change crisis? Do you have a general indication? Is SARA is forcing us to get prepared, not after the damage has occurred or stresses are being identified and measured? But we know this is coming. Only a fool would not believe that this stage of climate is changing and that the temperature is increasing. Even the government has said that we're going to fight to hold temperature increases to two degrees Celsius. In Copenhagen, it signed every document that said so.
Are we not doing anything on this going forward? Isn't SARA really compelling us to deal with this huge natural capital asset--which will be at risk over time--not after the fact, but before?