Thanks very much.
I will turn now to slide 14, the draft implementation policy, the fourth step in the cycle. As was previously stated, the responsibility to protect species at risk in Canada is shared. Accordingly, as noted in this chapter of the policy suite, implementation is shared by various parties using various approaches.
SARA specifically stresses that the foundation of recovery planning is a stewardship approach. This chapter also lays out the variety of tools the federal government uses, including such things as federal funding programs, like the habitat stewardship program; our federal protected areas, including national parks; and also environmental assessment, regulation, permits, and so on.
Turning to slide 15, the last chapter of the SARA policy suite deals with monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of species protection, recovery, and management activity. Given that SARA is cyclical, monitoring and evaluation inform all of the SARA cycles through a variety of mechanisms. The objective is to assess progress toward achieving the recovery goals, the effectiveness of our actions, and the appropriateness of the goals and objectives we have set in the first place.
Turning to slide 16, I'd just like to conclude by providing a very short overview of the key protections afforded by SARA. First are the general prohibitions. These are laid out on the slide, and basically they say that no person shall kill, harm, harass, capture, possess, collect, buy, sell, or trade individual species at risk. As well, damaging or destroying the residence of one or more individuals is prohibited.
These general prohibitions apply only to extirpated, endangered, or threatened species, not to species of special concern. They automatically apply to migratory birds and aquatic species and to other species when they're found on federal lands.
The next key protection afforded by SARA is the protection of critical habitat, and that is the subject of much interest among many of our stakeholders. Once identified, critical habitat must be legally protected if found on federal lands. As for critical habitat found on non-federal lands, the laws of the province or territory must effectively protect it. The minister will consider that these laws effectively protect it when an instrument of a binding nature that is effective at producing the intended result under SARA is in place.
The final slide deals with the last two protections afforded by SARA, the first being the safety net order.
If, after consultation with the applicable province or territory, where the minister is of the opinion that the laws of the province or territory do not effectively protect the species, its residences or its critical habitat, the minister may recommend to the GIC that a prohibition be applied to protect the species, its residence, or any part of the critical habitat. This is what's known as the safety net order. In such instances, the minister will recommend to the GIC that an order be repealed once the province or territory has developed an instrument that provides effective protection.
The last provision is emergency protection orders. Under SARA, the GIC, on the recommendation of the competent minister, may make an emergency order in cases where protection under other SARA provisions will not be in place within a sufficiently timely manner to ensure the survival or recovery of the species. The minister would make this recommendation only after consultation with other competent ministers, i.e., the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or the Minister of Environment, and may discuss this with aboriginal peoples or governments as appropriate.
Having provided a fairly high level overview of the act and the draft SARA policy suite, I will conclude my opening comments. My colleagues and I would be pleased to address the committee's questions.