On what we have had on the web, we have the SARA registry. As for the way it's organized, it's the name of the species. You come into it that way. For all of us who use the web in our day-to-day life, that's not as user friendly, so you need to change what they call the user interface and how you connect in to get the information. A map approach to finding out about what species are in your part of the world is work that's under way. It just takes a while to get the technical bits to work well and then to make sure you have information that's up to date.
We had a previous application on the SARA registry that provided some range information about those species, but we found that the information sometimes was a bit out of date. Also, it wasn't very fine-grained information; it was in pretty broad swaths. So how helpful was it? We weren't really sure.
There is work under way. It's not going to be coming out in a month's time or two months' time; it's going to take a little while to put that in place.