I can jump in.
I agree with everything that's been said.
There is no formula. As Virginia says, it really is mostly at the listing time, and that's sometimes why the listing decision takes a while. There are very significant consequences to going ahead and recommending listing--or listing--so socio-economic considerations are an important factor. It is a science-based process. From COSEWIC right through the entire process it's science-based. Socio-economic considerations do come up, particularly at listing, and as Virginia says, at the other point. But there actually is no formula to say if there's this much socio-economic consideration and this much science evidence.... It is, at the end, a judgment call. But it does speak to the importance of taking it into account at that point.
One final point is that socio-economic considerations are not just the immediate costs. There are also the long-term benefits of listing. So if you were to list, then down the road there would be this socio-economic benefit to Canada. And then there's the matter of trying to figure out the cost of the social benefit and the economic benefit of habitat and those types of things.