As I said, part of that is still before the courts, specifically the relationship between the Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk Act, and the application, so I really can't speak to that.
I can tell you that we have contemplated significantly the relationship between the Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk Act. In a number of species where we managed the fisheries under the Fisheries Act—and I'll use the examples of cod and salmon—the link between the Species at Risk Act and the Fisheries Act is enormously complex, not least of which because of the issue of bycatch. In the fisheries, as opposed to terrestrial species, the issue of bycatch is gigantic. It's pretty much impossible to go fishing for Atlantic halibut and not catch cod. Even if it's a small number, then you're breaking the Species at Risk Act. We've contemplated that.
With respect to the very specific issue you've asked about, I believe that's still before the court, so I can't speak to it, but it is an important issue and one we're attending to carefully.