Thank you very much.
First of all, in terms of “is it a proven technology”, there is a project in the U.S. called Mountaineer, which does prove the technology on a smaller scale.
The real purpose of Project Pioneer is to get the project to large scale and ensure all the detail is taken care of so that we can get the cost down as we go forward, so this technology can happen. So it's really not proving whether or not we can sequester CO2; it's trying to get the costs down so that carbon capture and storage, along with coal production, can be economically viable long term.
Monitoring is probably one of the most important pieces of work we'll do here. Through our monitoring program we will be monitoring injection-well pressures, temperatures, rates, CO2 composition. We'll be monitoring to be able to detect the location of the CO2 plume, the integrity of the abandoned wells. We will be able to detect if there is any impact on groundwater quality, which I think is some of what you're really interested in here today, and we'll be able to detect any seepage in the soil. Monitoring will go on through the operational stage of the project and also past the end of the project, so I think that's very important.
In terms of water safety, I know there's been some contention that there's some potential for groundwater to be impacted by CO2 injection. I think it's important to note that these aquifers we'll be injecting CO2 into are well below the depths where groundwater sits. We'll be making sure we can prove conclusively that the CO2 is taken down into the saline aquifers and that it does not affect groundwater. That will be an important part of what we're trying to do.
The previous speaker asked us about water. It's important to note that on the North Saskatchewan River, our approved licence limit for our power plants is 43 million cubic metres. Our power plants today at those locations use 26 million cubic metres, and Project Pioneer will use about 1.6 million cubic metres per year. It uses a relatively small amount of water relative to the coal plants at that site and fits well within the capacity of that water basin.
I think it's important that the committee note that this kind of funding among the provinces, the federal government, and private industry--with this scale of project--will put Canada well ahead of what I think other G-8 countries are doing on the CO2 front. We will take CO2 out of the air and sequester it. There won't be a lot of discussion about CO2. A million fewer tonnes of CO2 will be emitted into the environment after this project is finished. I think that will serve this country well and it will serve industry. As we go forward and look for environmentally and economically cost-effective solutions, I hope this will be on the list of things we can do.
Thank you.