Thank you.
I actually found myself wondering what specifically I was going to ask you about, and then Mr. Calkins came forward with a number of issues that I'd certainly like to use my five minutes to respond to. I will, of course, ask for your opinion at the end.
The first issue he brought forward was the issue of the number of biologists it would take to accurately assess the species, the subspecies, and all the way down to the populations. Obviously, we're not going to know exactly how many of this particular speckled snail there are in this particular corner of the world and whether there are more or fewer, but one of the important functions of SARA is to try to get a vue d'ensemble, an overview of how our ecosystems are doing, and that was a point brought up earlier by Ms. Gelfand.
If one specific species or one specific population is threatened within a particular area, it's worthwhile for us to look into it and know why that is. SARA performs an admirable task in a very difficult situation, in a logistically prohibitive situation, in terms of the amount of science one needs to monitor those populations so that we know what kind of impact we have. Industry brings forward a number of credible.... And we've heard from a number of industry representatives that there are attempts at mitigation. We talk about hydro plants putting fish back into the rivers, which then become sources of risk for them. We talk about the various efforts that all the different industries are making to try to be good about the ecosystems in which they are operating, and the fact that SARA sometimes, because of limited capacities, because of bureaucracy, and because of the fact that it's just a five-year-old law, hasn't articulated perfectly the best way to engage with that.
That is legitimate. That is why we're having these discussions right now. It's very important that you bring forward the testimonies that you have, but the fundamental point of saying that we need to know how our natural world is doing is that human beings are not outside of the natural world. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat depend upon the same ecosystem services that the speckled snail depends upon as well, to a smaller degree. Knowing how our ecosystems are doing is extremely important, and the fact that we can't monitor every single subspecies is not a reason to say that therefore we shouldn't have a SARA.
The other issue concerns the showcase that the Conservative government is trying to build around its parks. National parks are very important. Obviously I'm a big supporter of national parks, and I'm glad to see the Nahanni expanded, because it's a project I've been working on for 10 years at least. However, when you protect 2% or 3%, and even if it gets up to 4% or 5% of a country's territory, the issue becomes, what are you then saying about the lack of protection of the 95%, 96%, or 97% of the territory? That is something we have to understand. Provincial parks are not a panacea. They're an important element of protection, but they're not it, and you cannot build an environmental program only around them.
The final and most interesting reflection is on the natural law of extinctions. Mr. Calkins, I won't presume to make any assumptions about your religion, but I happen to be someone of faith. I believe that natural law was established by our creator, and that human beings over the past 100 years or 200 years have been hugely responsible, through our deliberate and knowing actions, for causing extinctions, something that I believe we need to be cognizant of.
To simply sit back and say that extinctions are a natural fact in the world, and that therefore we shouldn't be preoccupied with them, is exactly the kind of philosophy that is most worrying from a government that purports to be stewards of a country that includes natural non-human populations as well.