In my introduction, I just said there had to be mitigation and things of that nature. Fortunately--or unfortunately--we are one of the most heavily regulated industries in Canada. Fisheries are federally regulated and there are fisheries officers and things of that nature.
So what you can do is to introduce fishing protocols. Basically you would get a permit, and the permit would specify what you had to do if you caught a bycatch of a listed species. So if you caught some listed species in your bycatch, you would keep them but would then have to take some action; generally what we find is that it has to travel at least three miles from that point of contact.
All we're saying asking here is, why waste food? For example, with wolffish, we're saying that we don't need to sell that fish because it is a listed species. We do harvest it from time to time in incidental bycatch. We take the moving action, but at the same time we can return that fish to the water because of the nature of the fish and the nature of that fishery.
But our concern, looking to the future, is in regard to species listed by COSEWIC for further analysis that are such deep sea-living species that we could not return them live to the sea.