We're not suggesting any changes to the Fisheries Act or to SARA with respect to endangered species. I guess what we've said is that our industry or our participants are working within a science regime called the precautionary approach or the ecosystem-based regime, which basically has a lot of traction. We're using that in international markets in terms of getting eco-certifications under the Marine Stewardship Council for a wide range of species. We've been very successful with that. We have three already certified and 14 in the process of becoming certified. I expect 30 by the end of the year.
So we've oriented our thinking towards this science model, which is basically FAO initiatives and then.... As I say, they just don't have confidence in the COSEWIC assessment. At the end of the day, the COSEWIC assessment is contracted out to a student for $10,000 or $11,000. We have $2 million worth of science in there.