Thank you, Jeff.
In light of what Mr. Trudeau said, I think he and I—if we were being completely honest—both share an outstanding passion for Canada's wild spaces and our wildlife. I'm simply stating what I know as somebody who's trained as a biologist. I'm not even a professional biologist. I should admit that right up front. I've had the privilege of working in our national parks and for Alberta Environment on the ground.
I do want to get back to the issue pertaining to this bill. I do believe that Canada does need a species at risk act, obviously. I'm not suggesting that we throw out the baby with the bathwater, but I do think this bill needs some serious changes. I'm getting a little bit frustrated, and I'm not mad specifically at any particular.... But I haven't seen any really big, hard requests from anybody, whether it's environmental groups or industry groups, to give this thing the swift kick in the pants I think it deserves.
When you take a look at the consultative process—and I know we were talking about consultation—we're frustrated with how long things take. We're frustrated at the lack of information. COSEWIC has a very tough job to do. They have to determine, based on the definitions in here, things like the wildlife species and whether or not a wildlife species, a population, or a subspecies of that population, is indeed threatened. That's a difficult, time-consuming thing to do.
We look at this bill from the perspective of the Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council, which is the body that's ultimately going to make the decision as to whether things progress in the schedules. The recommendations come from NACOSAR, which is strictly an aboriginal advisory group. The other advice comes from COSEWIC, which is strictly a combination of scientific and aboriginal traditional knowledge. There is no other mechanism in this bill that I can see outlined in this act to bring forward information and to get either the socio-economic or other types of interests brought into the Endangered Species Conservation Committee.
Can you elaborate on that? Are you satisfied with what this bill does as far as getting those particular realities in there is concerned? Because as the bill is outlined, it only takes advice from those particular groups.