I can give a good example of that. In Manitoba we just signed two power purchase agreements with Minnesota and Wisconsin that would result in about $15 billion to $20 billion of capital expansion where mainly what we would be doing is displacing thermal generation both in Canada and the United States, but more in the United States.
Our contracts have stipulated timeframes for deliveries, because they need to supply their load. If we have built in some buffer into those contracts so that if there are delays in construction, but more importantly on the regulatory side, that they can be accommodated...but there's a limit to those delays. If our process takes a lot longer than we're planning on, then those contracts would no longer be valid and they would turn to shorter-term alternatives.
The tendency is for thermal generation to have much shorter construction and regulatory times than for the hydro projects. So there would be a very explicit impact. They're not just delaying, but actually there could be a loss of those contracts, and a loss of those projects.