Starting in paragraph 1.3(2), we look at several of the recommendations that we made in our 2009 audit. We comment on the extent to which the government had acted on those recommendations. We found that in the two cases we looked at, they had provided additional information on the plan that helped address those recommendations.
The one recommendation that we made in 2009 that we found had not been addressed was one that we made, I guess, very similarly in this report, which was that we felt the climate change plans should include all of the information that was required under section 5.1 of the act. In our previous audit we found that this had not been done. Environment Canada agreed that future climate change plans would include all the information required by the act. Again, in this audit we found that this was not necessarily the case. The recommendation number for that is in the first part of the chapter. That would be recommendation 1.4(2): “Environment Canada should ensure that future climate change plans...contain all the information required by the act, or clearly state why the plans do not do so.”