My first thought is to really take a look at innovation research into plant and animal research. One of the things we're looking at as we go forward is how do we increase productivity on our land base? A lot of that is going to be done by having better plants and animals. Where we've come in the last number of years with understanding the genome.... I know that even in the beef cattle industry now, you can take a DNA snip and you can have great predictability of what type of offspring you're going get. All of sudden, instead of feeding two animals on a plot of land, you can feed one and get the same type of productivity.
With conservation, sometimes we've had a tendency to look at conservation as going back and doing what we did a hundred years ago. We need to be shifting our thinking of how we use science and innovation to let us do more with less. That's a mind shift that has to take place.
Even the World Wildlife Federation has adopted the position now that high-production agriculture is likely the best way to save the environment and the world, because then you can get the productivity you need without tying up all kinds of land base. It also then allows us to set aside more of that land for conservation areas and wetland areas.
The short answer would be for innovation in research in both plant and animal productivity.