Yes, to answer that question, we have to go back in time to how the trust formed. But essentially, it was a group of farmers and conservationists who came together when some money was made available through the expansion of the Vancouver International Airport. Compensation money became available. The groups realized that there were benefits to both wildlife conservation and farmland soil stewardship. That's how the idea of the program was initially brought together.
Nowadays, when the stewardship agreements are written, the Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust is represented by a volunteer board of directors. Four are from the farming community, and four are from the conservation community. We've agreed upon and have legally binding stewardship agreements that lay out all the management guidelines the farmers must undertake. The guidelines were created specifically so that we could achieve wildlife habitat values, and at the same time, soil conservation. Those agreements are formally entered into on an annual basis with the farmers.
Does that answer your question about some of the processes?