It varies. In these areas, I think sometimes you can line up the benefits versus the costs accrued. My speculation is that indeed there is a one-for-one return. You can't overwork these soils in perpetuity. They break down too quickly, and you need to rebuild that structure. That is only possible through the reintroduction of soil, organic matter, and specifically, the action of grass roots on the soil. So in that case, yes, they are basically going to break even at the end of the day.
Sometimes I think that calculation is a lot harder to do, especially with the winter cover crop program, which has, I would say, compared to the set-aside program, a much more hard-to-realize benefit for the soil. But it's a long-term process.
I can't give you a hard and fast number on that, but the perceived benefit for the farmers, I think, is evident, because they keep coming back to the programs.