Certainly all of our organizations collectively work towards that in terms of our extension and our outreach programs to producers. As producers see successes or new research becomes available to show the benefits, we try to get that out as quickly and as effectively as we can.
As we were saying, often in our previous practices or our ongoing practices we've done something that we felt was in the best interests of either our business or the land, and then we have come to realize that there's a better method. Generally speaking, in terms of the ranchland in particular, what's good for the ecosystem on the land is what makes me profitable and sustainable, and that's where I was going with that.
In terms of my land, it's the balance I keep on my land that gets me through some of the droughts, some of the tougher times, and also provides a variety of grass that is at its peak nutrition throughout the entire year. It's maintaining that natural balance that keeps me sustainable and makes me actually profitable. So I have the balance of wetland, by our choice, as a family over the years, because we need that, and we need a certain amount of bush land, and we need a certain amount of open land.