It's coming from the marketplace and therefore it's usually going to be profitable for both parties involved. That's far more sustainable than a program that's just paying somebody to do something from a government that may disappear in the future and then it just goes back to the way it was, because it's not profitable or it's not something that both parties really wanted to do.
I think it's kind of like Ducks Unlimited and Bayer CropScience, who formed a partnership to get farmers to grow more winter wheat. So they try to educate and try to help financially to get people to grow winter wheat, and they try to show them that it is a good fit for their farm and that it makes them more money and also allows more eggs to survive in the springtime. Something like that is far more sustainable than having the government come in and say it is going to pay someone to do something and then it's gone and we say actually it didn't really help us out that much anyway, so we go back to doing what we were going to do. I would say that's why.