Thank you, Monsieur Choquette, for your question.
Your estimate of 1% is actually an overestimate, if I may. In fact, we have protected officially approximately 0.8% of the aquatic waters in Canada, but about 0.3% of that is actually in fresh water. So we've probably protected one half of 1% of our marine waters, as opposed to almost 10% terrestrially.
Indeed, one of the Aichi targets is to achieve a 10% network of protected marine areas in Canada. One of the conclusions the Royal Society expert panel made in February this year looked specifically at that target and evaluated the likelihood that Canada would meet it. It's highly improbable that Canada will meet that particular target. In the eight years remaining, the pace and the energy does not seem to exist in order to protect the size of area required to meet that target, so it's quite unlikely that we will do so.