Let me go back to your first question, if I may, for a few seconds. It was a very good question.
As Ms. Feldman mentioned, we do look at these factors from the proponent's standpoint. When the proponent is a private sector proponent, we do actually have guidance in place that promotes this type of approach.
What is the purpose of looking at these factors? It's not really to question the need for the project or the purpose of the project from the proponent's standpoint. But at the end of the CEAA process, if there is a determination that the project is likely to cause significant environmental effects, a decision has to be made by cabinet as to whether those effects are justified in the circumstances. That's where the consideration of these factors becomes relevant in weighing the overall costs and benefits of the project.
With respect to your second question, you're right that with every project there are positive and negative environmental effects and broader effects. Our legislation focuses specifically on negative environmental effects. So that's the focus of this legislation.