Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and members, for this additional opportunity to participate in the standing committee's study of urban conservation practices in Canada. My remarks today will focus on a true Canadian first: the Rouge national urban park.
The Rouge Park owes its current existence as one of North America's largest urban parks to the foresight, dedication, and engagement of a diversity of local visionaries and stewards who, for over more than 30 years, have supported the park.
Recognizing this legacy of conservation and rich cultural history will be key to celebrating and protecting this special place as it becomes Canada's first national urban park.
A 2010 review of the park's governance, organization, and financial structure concluded that a new model was required to give the park stronger leadership and accountability. A public opinion poll revealed that an overwhelming 88% of respondents supported the concept of establishing Rouge national park under the leadership of Parks Canada. In the June 2011 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada announced its commitment to work towards the creation of a national urban park in the Rouge Valley.
The opportunity to establish Rouge Park as Canada's first national urban park, a new concept for Canada, is well-aligned with Parks Canada's mandate of protection, education and visitor experience, as well as the agency's current priority to meaningfully reach Canada's increasingly diverse urban population.
The Government of Canada announced in budget 2012 its commitment to preserving Canada's natural beauty and taking action on the creation of Canada's first national urban park in the Rouge Valley in Ontario. Accordingly, $143.7 million was provided over 10 years for park development and interim operations, and $7.6 million per year thereafter was provided for its continuing operations.
Since the summer of 2011, Parks Canada has held a series of meetings and workshops in the greater Toronto area and worked with first nations and more than a hundred communities and organizations, including the youth of the area. All are passionate and knowledgeable about the Rouge Valley and are committed to its future.
With their help, we were able to develop a series of nine principles that guided the development of the Rouge national urban park concept. Aligned with Parks Canada's mandate, the proposed concept includes conservation of natural and cultural resources, opportunities for learning, a range of visitor experience possibilities, and the integration and promotion of sustainable agriculture.
Public involvement is a cornerstone of Parks Canada's policy, planning and management practices to ensure sound decision-making, build public understanding, and provide opportunities for Canadians to contribute their expertise and suggestions.
During the summer of 2012, Parks Canada took the Rouge national urban park concept to the public through a program that allowed us to connect with thousands of Canadians. Over the past four months alone, 2,600 people completed our online survey, hundreds more individuals have sent letters and e-mails, and several organizations have submitted formal submissions to us. An information piece was dropped into the mailboxes of 26,000 residents living in and around the proposed park area, and more than 4,500 citizens talked to us at the dozens of community events that we have attended in and around the Rouge.
The multi-faceted engagement program for the Rouge allowed us to successfully gather the input and perspectives of a broad spectrum of the urban population. The comments and ideas received are very important in validating the park concept and in shaping the proposed national urban park.
Although we are in the early stages of reviewing the input received, I can confirm that the overall objectives presented in the Rouge national urban park concept resonated with urban residents and Canadians throughout our nation. They want this place to be protected and accessible. They are passionate about conservation and restoration. They want to connect with nature. They want to learn about the cultural heritage character of the park and they are supportive of a vibrant farming community.
Very importantly, those who have had the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Rouge Valley, as well as those who have not yet had that chance, want to be involved in the park's future as stewards, volunteers, and regular visitors.
While I'm before you today, I would also like to address how Parks Canada's mandate is well suited for the management of Canada's first national urban park. In particular, I would like to share why the integration of conservation, education, and connection is the best way forward for the Rouge national urban park.
Earlier this year at the IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the world's oldest and largest global environmental network, new guidelines were released on ecological restoration for protected areas. These guidelines were led by Parks Canada and modelled on Canada's own national approach to ecological restoration and natural resource conservation. Parks Canada's approach recognizes the importance of integrating actions such as restoring natural habitat while also providing opportunities for visitors to enjoy themselves and learn about restoration activities.
The Parks Canada approach has been adopted by many countries. In fact, the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity is endorsing the application of the Parks Canada approach globally to help restore biodiversity and increase public awareness around the world. Parks Canada now has the opportunity to implement this philosophy in the Rouge national urban park. This park will be a tangible representation of successful urban conservation in Canada.
Over the next few months, Parks Canada will continue to work with public landholders on an agreement on park boundaries and the assembly of lands that will be transferred to Parks Canada.
Parks Canada will then be in a position to put forward a recommendation to government on a legislative process. A strategic plan will be developed and will be presented to Canadians for input.
I hope that what I have provided today gives committee members an update on the progress being made toward the establishment of the Rouge national urban park.
Thank you. I will do my best to answer any questions later on, Mr. Chair.