Okay. Well, certainly, this is one where, from a policy point of view, it made a lot of sense to add it. When we were asked how many projects it would cover, we actually took a lot of time trying to figure out how many projects could be captured. The problem is that up to this point these are projects for which no trigger has been found, so the potential number of projects that would be caught by this provision depends on whether there would be triggers found in the future.
Up to now, we're at zero. There could potentially be any number between now and January 1, 2014, so we're basically 14 months away. For a project under the old act, a federal authority typically would indicate yea or nay as to whether there would likely be a fisheries authorization. If there was a fisheries authorization, then the act could be triggered, but sometimes it took some conscious work that was very difficult in order to determine whether there was a Fisheries Act trigger. There could be delays in finding out that sort of information, and there could be delays for several months.
Right now, we are several months past the July date. No triggers have been found. It could be that as we get further and further into the future, there's a likelihood that DFO or another department would say that they remember a case from last April and their fisheries experts have found that there is a trigger that would have caused the act to be in force last year. Now we want to make sure that's subject to the act.