The innovative funding approach that we're talking about is....The Region of Peel currently has a pocket of cash budgeted to deal simply with the long distance disposal of materials that are generated as part of their capital works. It's increasing. The price of gas goes up. Distances are getting longer and longer. As time goes on, these costs are getting to be close to 25% to 50% of capital projects.
The idea is if there are ways that you can incorporate the material that's generated locally and use it as a resource so that you don't have those long distance and disposal fees, the difference in cost between the original estimated amount of the budget that contributed to the disposal, and the new cost for the local reuse of it, becomes your operating budget to deal with planning, land acquisition, actual construction of wetlands, actual planting plans, and development of trails. It can even go toward operating budgets, potentially, if they're sufficient.
It's using the same money in a constructive way that brings in benefits to the local community and improves the environmental conditions in the area as well.