Actually, 90% of the population of Ontario is living within one of the jurisdictions for the conservation authorities. It's watershed based. We cover a large watershed area.
We have been finding that there's a lot of public interest to see greenbelts within their overall communities. Particularly in the GTA, a lot of people spend big bucks to have their cottage four to six hours away, but a lot of people don't have that luxury. These green areas in the urban centres provide that cottage country locally. That includes wetlands, the forests, the corridors. It includes being able to see Lake Ontario.
It's kind of ironic that people in Toronto go so far to have their little piece of lakefront when they have this massive lake that very few people actually use. With regard to your other questions on water quality improving, out of the eight beaches in Toronto, seven of them meet Blue Flag status. You can jump into the water most times during the year these days, but people don't take that opportunity.
We're building this intrinsically within development plans. In a lot of the work we're doing now, we're bringing back brownfields to become new future revitalized communities, instead of trying to maximize every square foot for development. Then, there's that darn river in the middle of our block. How do we minimize it and tuck it away behind someone's backyard? Let's celebrate it. Let's bring it out as the core piece of the development plans. Let's enhance it to make it function, and that brings value. There have been a lot of studies in Canada and the United States showing that this adds value to the properties provided.
Don't treat it as this thing that minimizes the effect on your bottom dollar. It could actually bring value, if properly planned overall.