There are not really a lot of economic benefits in brownfield remediation. It's a very costly process to clean up brownfields. With regard to the OPG site, the thing is not to get lands to that point before you start trying to improve things.
As for the overall environmental benefits of the fill being generated to create the new waterfront park, that material is clean. We're not dumping impacted soils within the lakes. We already have a very degraded shoreline habitat in this part of the waterfront. There is a very poor fisheries habitat. There is no terrestrial habitat within the area, and there are no wetlands. The shoreline doesn't have natural coastal processes with functioning eroding beaches. There are some remnant sand beaches, but they're fairly static and not very mobile.
The project is about land creation. We can't bring the existing shore back to the way it was. That would require removing the treatment plant. That would require removing large-scale pieces of the existing OPG site. Our only real approach in this location is to create a transition zone between the existing industrial land and the degraded part of the waterfront on Lake Ontario.
The clean fill from other infrastructure projects will allow us to create a land base on which to establish the diverse wetlands that the streams would feed into, enhancing the coastal dynamics where the wetlands interact with the lake. We'll be creating a terrestrial base that will allow the meadows and the forest habitat features to provide a diverse range of ecological functions to tie in with the wetlands. We shouldn't be doing just wetlands or forests. It's the suite of different habitat structures that provides the value. It's more than just the sum of its parts.
We're also proposing a dynamic beach system that allows a transition as you get from the shoreline to the water. This system will allow the movement of the materials necessary to create new fisheries habitat in the open lake areas. It's a combination. It's looking at the ecology from the broad perspective. We're not just looking to create a duck pond or a fisheries area. We're trying to provide a maximum range of opportunities for a suite of wildlife and fisheries for the public.