To be really blunt, it's land use planning. It's how you decide what you're going to do. I know many cities now have their roads. It's a difficult question, but I think by working with all the bodies that are there, you can figure things out. I guess in this case it would be the three orders of government.
Traffic is a huge issue, as we all know, in Ottawa, in Toronto, everywhere. We're all trying to deal with that. We need to do it also for health reasons and for all kinds of other reasons. I think the three orders of government should be sitting down together and working that out, using a template, a master plan, and a land use plan of what the city's going to be and what it's going to look like.
Ontario doesn't have a greenbelt but it has places to grow legislation that is trying to curb that urban sprawl so that cities have to plan within the envelope they have.