Essentially what we have at the college is a series of ponds that move or meander through a very gradual elevation change. In other words, we can move water, recycle water, through these various pond stages. In each pond we have different planting regimes that are placed for certain uses, say to pull out different kinds of contaminants or for sediment or erosion control.
We have 20 ponds, or 20 cells, as we call them. Ultimately, in this simplistic fashion, we have an input at the upper end. We can control the flow through the 20 ponds. At the very end, or at the 20th pond, our largest pond, our holding pond, essentially we can have what's called polished water. When I say “polished water”, we're not talking about drinking water, but it is water for reuse, say, in an irrigation application on site.
Within the 20 ponds are eight ponds that we can recirculate in a confined, contained area. In that confined recirculated system we can charge the water with either different pollutants or different types of chemicals, and we can cycle them through our planting regimes and record a whole raft of data that our school of innovation sets up, whether it's dissolved oxygens, whether we're looking at salts or measurables of different contaminants at the input and the output side of things....
As to the various clients we're talking with, we certainly have people from the energy sector who are interested in seeing what kinds of valuations we can provide for them. The flip side is that we're talking to the development industry. They're looking at the types of contaminants that come off roadways, say during the winter, from salting.
We also have the ability to move the water from our pool here on campus, which is a saltwater pool. Unlike many practices with pool systems, they discharge into the sewer system. We're looking at the opportunity to cycle that water through our ponds and then have it available for reuse on irrigation systems.
The flexibility of our constructed wetlands here gives us the ability to work with industry or stakeholders and run variables on water quality sampling and testing using this kind of system.