When you concentrate on a single species there are some things that may be overlooked. These are things such as economic impacts or not having the ability to look at the ecosystem as a whole because there's a difference between what we would consider recovery, where you concentrate on a single species and protect that, and it could be simply for meeting legal obligations or meeting other obligations internationally.
But from the context of aboriginal people everything in the ecosystem is linked. I have provided the example of salmon, but when you look at salmon, not only is this sustenance for a number of different species but in fact if you look at a salmon from a biological perspective what you have is basically a living sack of fertilizers and different other things that enhance the ecosystem.
When you're looking at that there are a number of things that should be taken into consideration. What's the importance of the species to the overall environment? What's that species in terms of economic terms? What's that species' value for sustenance for health? There's no argument in this room or anywhere that salmon aren't important to a diet, especially when you look at omega 3-6-9 and what has been proven for heart health and things like that.