I'm sure there is a way. Chief Adam has always said he's not against development. He's in support of responsible development.
I'm surprised that over the years I haven't seen a whole lot of changes in how the oil is developed. They've been using the same technologies for over 50 years. Why aren't we using new technologies? Why do we still need to use so much water from the Athabasca River?
There have been changes in the emissions. There are less emissions coming out. There are less coming out of the stacks, so that has improved, but we can always improve. There is always technology to improve how development is done.
The other thing I would suggest has to do with the pace. We worked really hard with Shell to support their project. Right after the hearing was done, two months later they announced another brand new project.
Why do we need to dig it all up right now? Why can't we simply sustain digging out this oil over the years? Why do we need to dig a bunch of big holes in the ground all over our land right now? Let's finish this hole, clean it up, and then go to the next hole and clean that up. That's a key thing, doing it responsibly, doing it over time so our way of life isn't changed. That would be huge.