It is often thought that you need to put a glass bowl around some of these species, but what these ranchers are doing on the land is obviously the right thing. I think what we need to enable within the Species at Risk Act is how to replicate that sort of stewardship in other areas. How can we use the stewardship functions in the act to build upon those experiences, the knowledge they have of the land, and then apply it to other places?
It's not easy to manage for a species at risk. Take a species like a Burrowing Owl. They need ground holes and the land needs to be grazed off very well. Then you have a Sprague's Pipit next to it that needs a totally different environment. I think enabling producers by helping them find the knowledge and the teamwork they need would be a great way to ensure habitat conservation in Canada. I think we'll see much better outcomes if we're able to work in this fashion.