Thank you very much.
They have advanced significantly. For instance, in the provinces, several provinces have stepped forward to really embrace the vision of advancing, with a stewardship model, the goals to sustainably develop approximately half of the landscape, and to look at conservation regimes in the other half. One of the drivers, actually, is this change in climate because we're going to need to manage in a forward-looking way with very dynamic solutions over very large areas, if we're going to preserve jobs, the economy, and species.
Quebec is a great example. They have their Plan Nord. It's a very serious initiative launched by Premier Charest. It is now into the government of Madame Marois, so they've preserved the initiative. They're reframing it. They're continually developing initiatives within it that are going to advance the goals in very serious terms.
So you really can't get more serious than that, than a jurisdiction that takes it on. I'm sorry, I'm probably over time here, but how can the federal government provide support? I think number one is to support land use planning. I would put that at the very forefront of what the federal government can do right now.
Thank you.