I would like to continue in the same vein as Ms. Bellemare.
We have visited all the wetlands in our area. We have been updating information every two years since 2000. We submit it to the Government of Quebec and the City of Laval and we observe what you saw in the tables.
We just signed agreements with GRIL this year. The Government of Quebec and the department of natural resources have started a new phase in the same way as for wetlands. They are going to start characterizing streams. You talk about wetlands. As Ms. Bellemare said, they are linked to streams, and streams are linked to rivers. They start out small and get bigger. The information we currently lack in southern Quebec or, quite probably, across the Canadian provinces, is a characterization and knowledge of our small watercourses, our streams.
We have quite good knowledge of our smaller and larger rivers, but we lack information on streams in the greater Montreal area and the five administrative regions. This is a task we have set for ourselves at the CRE. We have found partners, but sometimes we would like the Government of Canada to become a partner in the same capacity as the Government of Quebec and the universities so that we can pursue research on this topic more quickly.