I won't go into that too much. But I would like to recommend to the committee, Mr. Chair, that if possible, committee members be provided with a copy of it, because although it deals with both federal and provincial legislation and policy, it has some good information in it about our federal concerns and the things we're here to discuss today.
In particular, I was struck by a section on page 1 of that document, which says the following:
Legislation is evolving in two important ways: more explicit reference to wetlands in a range of statutes, and more enabling powers for voluntary stewardship. At the provincial level, new and revised acts—and associated policies and guidelines—with broader environmental objectives are explicitly recognizing wetlands as important ecosystems worthy of special attention.
I think what Ms. Leslie was getting at or asking about is whether you think that perhaps somewhere we should legislatively provide a more explicit recognition of wetlands as important ecosystems worthy of special attention.
May I assume your answer to that would be yes, we should?