Thank you very much. We do indeed make sure that we are getting these technologies to market, and we do that in a number of ways.
Specifically for batteries and other advanced transportation technologies, you would expect to see greater market uptake with things like fleets and buses before you could move to the very large expenditures that you get for cars in the retail markets. STDC originally concentrated on fleet applications, whether they be couriers, or in this case, buses.
New Flyer builds a lot of buses for the North American market, and therefore, we saw a real benefit in being able to have a collaboration so that if the technology proved out within a real world application, it would be able to impact more broadly. We've got a four year in-service evaluation of a small fleet of buses in Winnipeg Transit. We're examining the charging system, the battery capacity, the component life and reliability. If this works, we'll be able to reduce both greenhouse gases and criteria air contaminants by shifting from diesel to a utility-based generation source of energy.
I believe the annual reduction per bus when compared with a hybrid will be about 90 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per bus per year. I think this will be a way of proving that the reliability is there, the life-cycle costs will be reasonable, and therefore you'll see greater adoption.
I hope that answers your question.