I will express myself in English in the interest of being more concise.
Again, to go back to the 1999 program, not just to theorize, what was fundamental to it was that in a seismic program, you have two things: a sound source and a receiving device.
In terms of the sound sources, again I point out that there were two trucks that emitted a source down through the surface. In fact, under the environmental assessment, it was determined that the sound source that went down was less disruptive than the sound of the engine in the truck.
The second thing is that when they put the sound.... It's a platform about the size of a large kitchen table. When they put it on the sand to emit the sound down, they put a barrier between the sound source and the sand to make sure that no hydraulic oil or anything would seep out onto the beach.
On top of that, in the truck they used a form of oil for the truck that was biodegradable within a month. They kept the two trucks right on the outside of the beach so that they did not traverse into the foredunes, the sand dunes, any of the important wildlife vegetation or habitat.
In terms of the receiving devices, which are geophones attached by a cord, 64 lines went across the island north to south. In laying those lines with the geophones, what they did, as I mentioned before, was alter it to avoid, as much as they could, habitat, nesting areas, and things like that. The geophones themselves were buried or put into the sand a foot. So you were going a foot down to put the geophone in place to receive the sound.
In addition, as I mentioned, they avoided.... In fact, the company had proposed some times that conflicted with the time of nesting, the use of the island by migratory birds, and things like that. So the timing under which they undertook the program was restricted.
In addition, there were 18 personnel used to support the program. They were also directed that while on the island they were to avoid the seals, the horses, things like that. They were confined to using the on-island facilities.
So as you go through the environmental assessment that was done, plus what was done in terms of the program, I hope that gives you a good feel for the scope and scale of the activity and what was done in terms of low impact.