From what I can tell from the debate, people are focusing on seismic activity.
I think we heard Mr. Barry say that the seismic data that is available at the moment is of pretty good quality, so there's no need in the foreseeable future to be collecting more seismic work. But we don't know where seismic technology may go in the future. It's really important to the oil and gas industry from an economic perspective, but also from a safety and environmental protection perspective, to have good quality seismic data.
For instance, if there were a step change and one could collect additional seismic data with as minimal an impact as possible to the island, that would be useful in determining whether the reserves really are what they think they are, in helping them pick a location to access the reservoir, if they wanted to produce perhaps not under the island but adjacent to the island; or it may give them data that says it's not what they thought it was or that it's so fractured it's not worth producing. You might save a well and not have development that might otherwise have occurred.
Last, from a safety and environmental protection perspective, having good quality seismic data really helps you in designing your drilling program, such as where you set your casing, how you run your mud program, and how you monitor and deal with pressure gradients, so you can drill more safely.