Certainly, Mr. Carrie, the renewed agreement, the updated agreement, which in many respects has a number of changes, reflects a much more modern approach to be taken. The IJC has a number of responsibilities that flow from the actual Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, particularly the annexes: the areas of concern, the lake-wide management, discharge from vessels, and science generally. There are special responsibilities for the IJC that flow from that.
I think what it reflects is a determination on the part of the two governments to cause these pristine lakes to be as pristine as possible. They were once the most magnificent lakes, and there has been some deterioration as a result of public involvement with them and the growth of population around them, and the fact that 44 million people I think live within the basin and make use of Great Lakes water. We all probably.... Well, at least I come from southwestern Ontario and some others here do as well, and you've been drinking that water for a long time.
It's very important to us, and I think both governments have recognized that. Really, beginning in 1972 with the agreement, and with the number of revisions that were made to reflect the modern day, I think it's a testimony to both governments and indeed to the eight states that border the Great Lakes and the two provinces that are involved with the Great Lakes, Ontario particularly. I think it shows a very strong commitment on their part to make these lakes the best possible thing they can be.