Certainly the issue that you mentioned in the Thames River as being fair to poor for hydrology, according to the study done by WWF, was based on the reality that it is a watershed that has been heavily developed. It's heavily developed for agriculture, so it's been drained. The water and snow runs off very efficiently and that means that in drier seasons, we have lower flow and that's a concern. The way we would address that is by protecting the remaining wetlands and even expanding the remaining wetlands by reforesting, by protecting areas of the landscape that are important for infiltration of water.
Happily over the last number of years, the conservation authorities with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment have been engaged in developing source protection plans and those are identifying areas of the watershed that are very important from the standpoint of protecting groundwater sources and, in turn, impacting the flows. But it's a problem that I think is very widespread and it is one that we need to put more effort into solving.