In conclusion, in the conservation authority program, we will continue to do all the programs that a conservation authority would do. After the bay is delisted, we will continue to do all the programs to improve water quality. We will continue to work with the agricultural community, and we will try to get grants wherever possible to help them. We will continue to work with all of our partners through the federal government and the provincial government. We have had good partnerships over the last 30 years.
We've accomplished a lot of work. It has been very positive. I would just hate to see a lot of the work off the table and to see that, all of a sudden, because the Bay of Quinte is not on the list, it's the end of the care, the end of the financing, and the end of the attention that we're paying to it. We've spent a lot of money. We've invested a lot and we've accomplished a lot, and I would hate to see it all go backwards.