Thank you. That's good.
Actually, the comment on the crossbill reminded me of my golden retriever trying to save the fish in our pond from a cormorant a couple of years ago. I think my golden retriever was looking about as twisted up as the cormorant did after chasing the thing for about 15 or 20 minutes and just having no success.
I have a question for you, Mr. Florean. You talked about the elk being reintroduced in Ontario. One of the comments you made was that OMNR was unable to do it. You also said that if it had done it, it would have cost much more than what it cost the local organization to accomplish what it did.
I'm just wondering what you would attribute that to. Why was there a difference in the success of the government organization and that of the private organization that was doing this, and a difference in the cost effectiveness of what they did as well?