I'd like to call to order meeting 20 of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.
You'll notice that we have three witnesses with us today, and we have one witness appearing by video conference from Toronto. We're going to begin with the video conference in order to give our technical people time to change from the video conference to PowerPoint, which will be needed later in the meeting. We will proceed from the lower witnesses up, as it shows on your agenda.
From the Canadian Environmental Law Association, we have Theresa McClenaghan, in Toronto. Fe de Leon, a researcher, is with her.
From the Manitoulin Area Stewardship Council, we have Mr. Robert Florean.
From the Canadian Water Network, we have Bernadette Conant.
As an individual from the University Ottawa, we have Professor Jules Blais. He's the one who has the PowerPoint.
We're going to move quickly to the video conference.
Theresa McClenaghan, executive director, Canadian Environmental Law Association, welcome.