I'm far too polite to interject.
I would say to the critics of our industry, who complain about the price of food going up as a result of biofuels production, there is absolutely no evidence that supports that claim. Our industry has made note of the fact that the primary driver for food prices has always been the price of energy. Our industry is actually helping to make energy cheaper, and more plentiful, and more sustainable.
We only remove the starch from the corn. We return everything else to the feed industry. The dried distillers grains, which are a co-product of ethanol, go right back into creating meat for butchers and for Canadians. Cows and pigs absolutely love it.
The one thing I will close on is that the existence of the ethanol industry has created the demand for the grains that allows for farmers to get a true return on the investments that they make to their lands. As a result, they can in turn invest in technology, which will increase their yields. In Canada that yield increase has doubled in 10 years.